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I love jewellery making

jewellery, fashion, style, art
However, the ultimate decision is taken by our hearts. Also, there is no bigger compliment than feeling satisfied by ones own designs!" they speak diplomatically in tandem. It was noted that the design duo have quirky and surreal ideas. came into play as jewellery attempted to reclaim a connection with traditional beauty and historical lifestyle imagery. Precious jewellery that have been works of art have always been a part of our culture but what we now call handmade jewellery has been a part of the fashion scene for around 80 years and now every woman owns a piece be it a pair of earrings, necklace jewellery or a bangle.

I certainly enjoyed the freezing cold as it was a dream fulfilled. Navratna jewellry or jewellry that uses nine stones, considered to be auspicious, in a single ornament is also extremely popular because of the belief that the nine stones will protect the wearer from evil and ensure his well-being. A bridge between beautiful homes and inspiring home makers, the party witnessed the who's who of fashion circuit enjoying to their best. They feel that designer play a huge role in reviving art and craft. Bangles and nose rings, though worn today by women of all age groups, were traditionally used to signify the married status of a woman. fashion design. Stirring in its deceptive simplicity, the line's bold yet delicate lines and draping silhouettes simply cascade with femininity and eloquence.

Particularly today, the global market makes it possible for the average jewellery consumer to select from countless cultural styles and modes of fashion from around the world and even from throughout history. I design for a particular type of woman. It is contemporary, chic and elegant at the same time as that is my design philosophy and it will need to have my signature draping. Precious jewellery that have been works of art have always been a part of our culture but what we now call handmade jewellery has been a part of the fashion scene for around 80 years and now every woman owns a piece be it a pair of earrings, necklace jewellery or a bangle. No longer were jewels primarily keepsakes, investments, or treasured heirlooms-they were expressions of a fashionable trend in the same capacity as clothing, and also as variable. Care to describe each theme with our readers? Any particular reason why so? Being small and debt-free helps keep your head above the water.
jewellery, fashion, style, art
I design for a particular type of woman. Vests, bowler hats and smart tailoring will suit the theme. I certainly enjoyed the freezing cold as it was a dream fulfilled. She is not the girly sort. On a lighter note, we asked them what is the best compliment they have ever got. Decorations: champagne cocktail glasses (round shallow ones) were all the rage, so you could create a tower of glasses with champagne flowing down from the top glass to the bottom levels. Cascaden utilises white gold tassels gathered at one end into a white gold-and-diamond knot.

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